Cyber Law Services

Cyber Law is a constantly evolving phenomenon. With each passing day, newer and newer legal propositions and subjects are emerging in cyber space. Cyberlaws.Net, The Cyber Law Consultancy aims to give consultancy on varied subjects of Cyber Law. Some of the subjects are detailed below. It should by no means be taken that the list of subjects relating to Cyber Law given below is exhaustive. On the other hand, the said lists of subjects is only illustrative. The list is as follows: 

  1. Electronic Commerce
  2. Taxation
  3. Domain Names Disputes 
  4. Internet Policies
  5. Cyber Torts 
  6. Encryption / Cryptography
  7. Online Banking 
  8. Cyber Law Precautions
  9. Privacy Privilege & Confidentiality
  10. Community Standards 
  11. Certification
  12. Jurisdiction 
  13. Spamming
  14. E-mail Policies 
  15. Cyberliberties
  16. Online Education 
  17. Cyber Fraud
  18. Cyberstalking 
  19. Cyberterrorism
  20. Cyberwar 
  21. Cyberhate & Cyberthreat
  22. Consumer Fraud & Consumer Protection 
  23. Legislation
  24. Legal Audit of Websites 
  25. Electronic Contracts
  26. Freedom of Expression 
  27. Cybercrimes
  28. Economic Espionage 
  29. Searches & Seizures
  30. Authentication Digital Signatures
  31. Encryption/Cryptography 
  32. Content
  33. Web Linking & Framing 
  34. Meta Tags
  35. Web Site Development 
  36. Informational Privacy
  37. Database Protection 
  38. ISP Liability 
  39. Internet Regulation
  40. Online Media Regulation 
  41. Net censorship
  42. Parental Empowerment 
  43. Advertisement / Publicity on Internet
  44. Software Licencing 
  45. Computer Network Service
  46. Information Network Policy 
  47. Internet Gambling
  48. Cyberlaundering 
  49. Cyberpublishing & Cybercasting
  50. Cyber Rights 
  51. Information Technology Law
  52. E-Cash & Electronic Payment Systems 
  53. Regulating Online Advertising, Sales, Licenses & Auction
  54. Securities Trading & Insurance Brokers 
  55. Hacking
  56. Telemedicine 
  57. Intellectual Property Rights – Copyright, Trademarks, Patents, Cybermarks, Trade Secrets

The services of the Cyberlaws.Net, The Cyber Law Consultancy shall be offered subject to payment of professional fees. However, the quantum of the said professional fees shall be according to the specific nature of work involved and the same will be duly communicated before the commencement of the aforesaid services.